Convert More Leads with Better Real Estate Content

If you’re not infected with the content marketing bug yet, allow me to tell you why you should be. By the end of 2022, website conversion rates are expected to skyrocket for real estate sites that have adopted a content strategy. If increased traffic is what you’re looking for, then it’s time to start investing in some quality content Marketing approaches now.

What if I told you there was a way to increase website traffic without spending a fortune? 

What if I told you it wouldn’t even cost you a penny?

Does it sound too good to be true? 

Here’s the catch, it requires a little bit of elbow grease on your part. But if you’re willing to put in the work, I promise it will be worth the read.

Get Heaps Of Website Traffic Through Content Marketing

Before we get into how awesome content marketing is, let’s dispute the myth that it’s free. Yes, you can outsource it for very little cost, but it will still take up some of your most precious commodity: time. Worried that a content marketing strategy will take up too much of your time? Don’t be! You can start small and work your way up.

Think about it this way, when was the last time you were scrolling through Facebook and saw an ad for a house that caught your eye? Probably never. But if you see an article about the 10 best houses on the market in your city, you’re likely to click and read it. And if one of those houses just happens to be listed by your agent, there’s a good chance you’ll contact that company when you’re ready to buy.

If you’re thinking, “I don’t have time to blog 3 times a week!” then don’t. Begin with once a week and increase the frequency as you get comfortable with the process.

The important thing is to begin somewhere and to be consistent.

Real estate agents who have an active content marketing strategy see significantly more traffic and leads than those who don’t. Why? Because the real estate process is complex and potential clients have a lot of questions. Where do people usually turn when they have questions? Google. The key is to determine the kinds of questions buyers and sellers tend to have, so you can create content that gives them the answers they’re looking for.

If you want your real estate business to thrive, you need to create content that’s optimized for search engines. By ranking highly on a search engine like Google, you increase the chances that potential buyers and sellers will see your content. Now that you have learned why content marketing is essential, we’ll take a look at the content creation process. Let’s dive into what kind of content you should make and how you should deliver it.

What’s the Content Creation Process?

There are three steps to content creation success:

There you have it! Simple as that.

If you can keep those three factors in mind, you’ll be well on your way to producing content that will help you close more business.

What problems do potential buyers and sellers face when it comes to real estate?

For homeowners, some of their main concerns are:

On the other hand, those selling their home want to know how to:

These are simply some of the many worries that people have. The common theme is that both buyers and sellers have questions that could potentially impact their finances, homeownership status, and lifestyle.

Choose the Right Topic

Grab a coffee, sit down, relax and think about the questions and concerns your homeowners have encountered during the listing process. Write them all down.

Now, think about your real estate niche and what differentiates you from other agents. What unique knowledge or experience do you have that others don’t?

Use these topics as a guide for creating your blog content. By addressing the concerns of your homeowners and demonstrating your niche expertise, you’ll be able to create interesting and valuable content for your readers.

If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, we have several articles based on blogging ideas you can use as a guide.

What Content Is Best For Real Estate?

With millions of content pieces published daily, it’s hard to stand out online. But these three steal the show when it comes to real estate:

  • Blogs or articles
  • Infographics
  • Videos

Why? Well let’s take a look

Blogs / Articles

Blogs are one of the most popular types of content, and for good reason. People love to read blogs and articles because they are usually quick and easy to read and provide valuable information on various topics.

According to WordPress, 70 million new blog posts are created each month. This means that there is a lot of competition out there for readers' attention.

However, don't let this discourage you! The demand for quality content is still very high, and you still have a chance of getting your content read by a large audience.

One of the best ways to make your content stand out from the rest is to ensure it is well-written and optimized for search engines. Additionally, try to offer something unique or valuable to keep readers coming back for more. If you focus on creating quality content tailored to your specific local audience, you will successfully attract readers.

Best Practices for Blogs/Articles

The best way to become a great writer is by studying the work of other great writers. By observing how they structure their thoughts, you can learn how to improve your own writing. Now, don’t confuse this with plagiarism, but rather note how successful writers create their content to help you set the foundation for your own writing style.

Draft an Outline for Your Article

Before you begin writing, spend some time figuring out what points you want to convey in your article. What do you expect your readers to take away from it? Once you know what you want to say, organize your thoughts into a logical structure. Keep in mind the overall format of your blog as you do this so that your finished article flows smoothly.

One Tried-and-True Template for Articles is the 5 Paragraph Essay

If you remember this format from High School English, it's because it works! The reason the 5 paragraph essay format is so popular is that it's an efficient way to present a clear, concise argument. If for example, you want to make a case for why an adjustable-rate mortgage is preferable to a fixed-rate mortgage, you would introduce the issue in the first paragraph, the second, third, and fourth paragraphs would each contain one key argument in support of your position, and finally, you would summarize your main points in the fifth paragraph. If you're looking for more inspiration, check out our page on IDX in Real Estate to understand how IDX integration can help improve your website's content and user experience.

Make Sure Your Article is Well Researched

Use reliable sources to support your ideas with facts and data. This will make your article more credible and convincing.

Write Your Article's First Draft

As with any piece of writing, your first draft is just that – a rough sketch of what you want your article to look like. It's something you will work on and polish as you go along.

Once Your First Content Draft is Complete, Go Back and Polish It Up

Break up the text into shorter paragraphs, and never write more than 5 sentences in any one paragraph when publishing online. Use images, videos, and charts to supplement your points and make your article more visually appealing. Most importantly, have someone else review it before you publish it – having a second pair of eyes always helps.

Publish Your Final Draft and Track Its Success

Make your future efforts more effective by using the knowledge you learn from this article. Who and how many people read it? How recently did they view the page? Then, what did they click on? You can learn a lot from all of this data about what works and what doesn't.

Best Books For Improving Your Writing Skills

If you’re trying to get better at writing, there are plenty of great books out there to help you learn the ropes. But instead of giving you a long and overwhelming list, we’ve compiled our top four picks:

  1. On Writing – Stephen King
  2. How to Write Bestselling Fiction – Dean Koontz
  3. The Elements of Style – William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White
  4. Bird by Bird – Anne Lamott

Reading about how to write is important, but the best way to actually improve your skills is by writing as frequently as you can. The more practice you get, the better you’ll become at putting your thoughts into words. Why not try rewording any of the paragraphs above in a style that suits you better? We challenge you to do it better than us!

Team working on Content Development


If you want your content to be truly shareable, infographics are the way to go. Infographics are a fantastic method to present complex information in a way that is simple to understand. They can help send traffic to your website and are easy to share on social media and other content. When your infographics are well-received, people may share them, link to them, or use them in a webpage or blog post. As a result, your website could see a significant increase in visibility and traffic.

Best Practices

Create visuals that pack a punch by elegantly combining facts, entertainment, and statistics, which are attention-grabbing and persuade your audience to share. Remember to pay attention to the following elements for maximum impact:

Design: Beautiful and compelling presentation is key.

Statistics:: Choose data that is meaningful and valuable from reliable sources.

Branding: Include your real estate company name and logo on the infographic to establish your brand identity.

The Best Way to Share Your Infographic

Sharing information with others is made easy with infographics. They can be quickly shared on social media, but you need to choose the one that will help your infographic succeed. Share your infographics on social media platforms geared toward the people you want to reach!

Pinterest is great for sharing images and infographics! If you want to share your infographic with as many people as possible, then Pinterest should be one of the platforms that go into consideration.

Facebook isn't just popular among older generations - it's also considered a good way to get the attention of those of college aged or younger who are making their way into the workforce and buying homes.

When it comes to real estate, Twitter is a great platform for sharing news, articles, and other content. And since infographics are shareable content, they fit right in! Use hashtags to help people locate your infographic when you share it on Twitter.

With LinkedIn focusing more heavily on professional connections rather than socializing, it may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about sharing infographics. However, LinkedIn is actually a great place to share your business-related content, including infographics!

Instagram- The younger generation is easily entertained by infographics, so making your content accessible on Instagram is a great idea.


Now more than ever, people are pressed for time and want to consume content quickly; Speed is what sells in today's world. Videos take advantage of that by providing quick, punchy visuals that capture attention immediately. This type of content is much more engaging than writing alone because it incorporates both sound and sight. In order to make a video, you don't need to be a Hollywood professional; all you need is a camera, some basic editing skills, and a bit of creativity.

There are all sorts of videos you can make as a real estate agent. You could do a quick walk-through of a house you're selling or give potential buyers a tour of your city's hot spots. You could film interviews with local experts in the field, like home inspectors or mortgage brokers. Whatever kind of content you decide to produce, be sure it will be engaging for your target audience and provide the details they need.

Practices That Make For Outstanding Videos

Here's your chance to shine! When it comes to creating videos that engage and entertain your viewers, many beginners mistakenly believe that the key lies in production values. In reality, the most important thing for a video is its content. As long as you're providing value, your viewers will stick around. Of course, if you can afford great production values, go for it! After all, video is primarily a visual medium, so the better your visuals, the better your final product. But even if you're working with limited resources, you can still create great videos as long as you have a solid script. You don't have to be a tech-savvy real estate agent to shoot a video. All you need is your phone and some good lighting!

Here's How We at BrokerLEAD Do Things:

  • Conceptualize - Figure out what you want your video to be about. What are you trying to achieve? Who is your target audience? What kind of tone do you
  • Write a script - We craft a winning script that will engage your viewers.
  • Storyboard - Once the script is finalized, we create a storyboard to visualize the flow of the video.
  • Shoot - Time to bring your vision to life! We'll work with you to shoot the video and capture all the footage we need.
  • Edit - Now it's time to put all the pieces together and create a final product you're sure to be proud of.

If you're starting from scratch with no prior knowledge of cameras, filming a five-minute video can take hours. However, like anything else, the more you do it, the faster it will become, and you'll gradually get better at it.

Tell Stories

You have the power to create stories that will stay with your readers long after they've finished reading. Stories that will become a part of them that will shape their thoughts and drive their actions. That is your gift.

People connect with stories on a much deeper level than they do with straight facts and figures. When you can tap into that emotional connection, you will have their attention and trust.

If you're writing an article that seeks to answer a question or solve a problem, start by telling the story of why you decided to write it. This will help your readers understand where you're coming from and why they should care about what you have to say.

For example, let's say you have a client who is struggling to decide whether to buy or rent a home. You could tell the story of how this client's experience motivated you to write the article. Or, if your clients are concerned about selling their homes in the current economy, use that story as a starting point to explain the pros and cons of selling a home right now.

As you integrate more storytelling into your content, you will start to see opportunities for stories everywhere. But don't forget that it's just one tool in your toolkit. Sometimes a straightforward answer is better than an epic tale. Respect your reader's time and only use storytelling when it adds value.

Get Creative and Have Fun!

When you have the vision and the strategy in place for your content, it’s time to choose the right tools and get to work! But before you start cranking out content, remember that this is your chance to be creative and have some fun.

Let your personality shine through and have a good time with it. After all, if you’re not enjoying the process, your readers will be able to tell.

One of the best things about content creation is that there are no rules. So experiment and find what works for you. The more you practice writing, the more efficient you’ll become. And pretty soon, you’ll be churning out great content like a pro!

Reduce Distractions and Increase Productivity

If you’re looking for an innovative writing tool that will help you stay focused and distraction-free, ZenPen is a great option. This app is available for Mac, Android, PC, and iPhone, and it offers a clean interface that makes it easy to format your writing directly from your keyboard.

Of course, it’s not always possible to completely disconnect from the internet, especially if you need to refer to other articles or sources. In case you need a little help staying offline, Freedom is an app that lets you block websites, apps, and even the internet for a set amount of time. This can be helpful if you have a tendency to get sucked into social media or other online distractions.

Take Notes and Organize Your Writing

Users of the note-taking tool Evernote can store ideas, thoughts, and photographs in one location. It is accessible on all popular operating systems, such as Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.

Evernote is intended to be straightforward and effective, with a focus on assisting users in quickly and effortlessly recording their ideas. The ability of Evernote to sync between devices is one of its primary benefits. This entails that you can begin writing a note on your PC and finish it on your phone or tablet.

With its intuitive interface and powerful features, Evernote is a great tool for content creators to easily brainstorm, organize, and store their ideas.

Set a Goal and Stick to It

Often Writers need the motivation to write more and better. Sometimes, a simple change in mindset is all it takes. To get into the right frame of mind, try setting a writing goal with Scrivener. Scrivener is a versatile program that helps writers with all stages of the writing process, from brainstorming to revisions. One of its most useful features is the ability to set goals and track progress. By setting a word count or page goal, writers can see at a glance how close they are to finishing their project. And because Scrivener automatically saves each session, it’s easy to pick up where you left off and keep moving forward. Whether you’re writing an ebook, a lengthy article, or just keeping track of your daily thoughts, Scrivener can help you stay on track and reach your writing goals.

The Pomodoro Technique

Time management is an important skill for anyone who wants to be productive. There are a variety of time management techniques, but one of the most popular is the Pomodoro Technique.

Francesco Cirillo created the Pomodoro Technique as a time-management technique in the 1980s. The approach is based on the idea that maintaining focus for brief intervals is simpler than maintaining it for extended periods.

Working for 25 minutes and then pausing for 5 is the Pomodoro Technique. After four iterations of this cycle, a longer break of 20 minutes is taken. The Pomodoro Technique is a powerful method for increasing productivity that can be customized to suit each person’s needs and tastes. PomoDoneApp can help you implement the Pomodoro Technique.

Tool For Conducting Research

Anyone who spends any amount of time online has undoubtedly come across a piece of content and thought to themselves: “This is exactly what I needed.” In a sea of blog posts, articles, and videos, it can be difficult to determine which pieces are worth our limited time. This is where content research tools come in handy.

By seeing how many times an article has been shared, we can get a good idea of its popularity and whether or not it is worth our time. While the number of shares is not the only metric that should be considered, it is a good starting point for determining the quality of a piece of content. With so much information available at our fingertips, these tools can help us sift through the noise and find the gems that are worth our time.

Look Up What’s Trending

What are you waiting for? The perfect content idea has been right under your nose this whole time! With BuzzSumo, simply search input “real estate” and watch as all sorts of posts come up. You can break down these results by date or country depending on how geographically focused (or not) they were posted in order to get an idea about which ones performed best compared with other times/places–even if it’s just one social network like Twitter!

While the free version of BuzzSumo only allows for a limited number of searches, the premium version provides unlimited access to all of its features.

Explore Content Ideas

Ahrefs is a great tool for content marketers looking to research keywords, blog posts, or any other type of digital material. It has many different features that can be difficult at first, but once you get into the groove, it will become your favorite! Using the “Content Explorer” feature, you can research popular topics in your industry and get some ideas for your next blog post.

How to Curate Catchy Headline

A compelling headline will pique readers’ interest in what you have to offer. Here are some guidelines for creating headlines that will entice readers to read your article:

  1. Intrigue your audience by promising a compelling story.
  2. Excite your reader by offering something of value.
  3. Amuse your reader and make them laugh.
  4. Shock your reader with something out of the ordinary.
  5.  Anger your reader by challenging their preconceived notions.

Using one or more of these emotions, you can create headlines that will get higher opening rates and be more shareable. Just be careful not to overdo it with anger!

Real estate is all about location, price, amenities, and offers. But when it comes to content, it’s all about the headline. So make sure your headlines are compelling and interesting to make people want to read more.

Analyze Your Headline

The AMI Headline Analyzer is a tool that, when used correctly, can result in an incredible return on investment. As the name suggests, the AMI Headline Analyzer is a tool that analyzes headlines and helps content creators pioneer new, effective strategies for creating headlines that grab attention and result in clicks.


Type in your headline and click on submit for analysis to get an EMV score. The higher the score, the more effective your headline will be. The most effective titles should be in the 50 to 75 percent range. Keep in mind that a score of 100 is quite rare and may not be possible for all headlines.

A/B Testing

Want to know how to write headlines that’ll get you 10x more shares? A/B testing is the answer. It’s simple:

  • Create two versions of your content (say, an email or ad).
  • Send them out.
  • See which one performs better.

The data you collect from this process will help you fine-tune future content pieces for even better results.


This strategy is used by some of the biggest media companies out there, like Buzzfeed. Their success isn’t a fluke – A/B testing is the key to writing headlines that pack a punch.

Before you promote your content, try A/B testing different titles with your email list. This will help you determine which variations are most successful.


You might be surprised by the results. High Performing titles can lead to 10x more shares for the same article. So before you hit “send,” make sure you’ve A/B tested your titles for the best possible chance at success.

Use A Proven Copywriting Formula

You know what they say, the proof is in the pudding. Because let’s face it, any ol’ Joe Blow can headline, But it takes tested skills to back it up with real substance.

And what do all the great copywriters have in common?

They use a tried-and-true formula as the skeleton for their masterpieces. Why? Because it works like a charm every. Single. Time.

Copywriters use formulas to write headlines, but they always tweak them based on experience. The key is not getting caught up in the formula itself – just like an artist doesn’t start painting by drawing a straight line first–you should test your words and see what works best for you as well!

You can also check out our web designers in Columbia, SC who have been instrumental in creating successful real estate websites.


If you’re a real estate agent, it’s time to get your marketing game on point. The demand for local real estate agents is driving new homebuyers to the internet every day. By providing quality content on your blog and Youtube channel, you can build an audience of potential homebuyers that are interested in your services.

The key to success is creating content that solves the problems your audience is facing. Whether it’s tips on buying a home, advice on selling a home, or simply information on the local real estate market, your content must be useful if you want people to keep coming back for more.

Once you have a steady stream of quality content, it’s time to start promoting it like crazy. Use social media, email marketing, and even good old-fashioned word of mouth to get the word out. The more people that see your content, the more leads you’re likely to generate.

Of course, none of this will matter if your content isn’t up to par. Make sure you’re constantly creating new, fresh, and interesting content if you want to keep your audience engaged. Real estate is a competitive industry, so you’ll need to work hard to stand out from the crowd.

With millions more people on internet balconies, these virtual home sellers or buyers are generating huge traffic that can be worth thousands or even millions in property sales each year! Do you need help getting started? Contact our real estate content marketing firm today.


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